Monday, March 1, 2010

Back to [Circle] 1

Today, J-Vans and I were shopping for engagement rings.  I pulled my CTR ring off to try on a "dream ring".  The clerk picked up my oval/square/rectangle, oddly shaped, dented, and battered ring that has been my trusty friend for 9 YEARS!!!  (I didn't realize that it has been so long since we moved to the US and my 12th b-day when I got the ring).  The clerk examined the ring and then took it in the back.  After numerous dinks and donks, he presented me with a perfectly round ring.  Now it's too big for my finger again.

The reason it was practically folded in half originally was because it was the last one of this discontinued style when I got it from the bookstore on my 12th b-day.  I liked it so much (and being really picky about jewelry even at that "young" age) that I insisted that I didn't want any other one.  Because it was the last one, there was only one size - size 9.5 - WAY TOO big for my long skinny finger.  I took it home and just admired it for days...and lost it many times.  Then, my dad noticed how big it actually was and offered to "fix it".  Away went the ring and in return I got a perfectly fitting rectangular ring, but I didn't care.

Maybe someday I'll get a new ring, but for now I'll be fine.  I still have a ring that's way too big, but it's got enough memories in  the slender band it to make it fit snugly.  

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