Saturday, June 6, 2009

Card Security

Something I love about Europe is that whenever you use your credit or debit cards they verify your signature. (In the US they don't even care.) A signature is a lot better than your ID. Technically, (according to credit card companies) they're legally not supposed to ask for your ID. And what about those lucky kids who get a credit card when they're 12 or 13, before they have an ID?!!? How are they supposed to verify the purchase? Anyways, I just feel more secure when they double check my signature before completing the transaction. Just one more thing that I love about Europe.


  1. So this one time I had a nice old lady at Macy's (department store) try to compare my signature with the signature I was supposed to put on my credit card. But I had only recently gotten the card and hadn't signed it yet. So she was all "oh, well here's a pen so you can sign your card." Then I signed the card, and she actually compared my signature on the receipt with the signature I just put on the card! :-)

  2. That's what they're trained to do at Macy's (I know only because I work there...). They're not allowed to accept a payment by credit card without the signature and then they're supposed to compare it with some other card. Apparently she missed that step.


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