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"Each has his heart's wishes shut in him like the leaves of a book, known to him by heart, and his friends can only read the cover." -Virginia Woolf
Monday, May 30, 2011
Wiener Schnitzel or a Waltz
Well, Im here and it is getting HOT!! 25° today and rising. We`ve had thunderstorms all weekend and today it decided to be a scorcher. Saw a neat shirth today that reminded me of home . Picture this - - -green John Deere logo with yellow writing and instead of a deer jumping over John Deere, it says Austria and has a cow jumping over the words. Or thigs one - - A picture of a road sign with a Kangaroo on it saying `no Kangaroos in Austria`...I guess people get it mixed up with Australia or something.
Mom\Dad, I got your letter and card. Thank you!! I really needed a birthday pickup. Some of the members in Ulm had given me cards and a small present (the makings of a party complete with cake and candles) all of which I was not allowed to open till my birthday, but other than that, there was no celebration. My companion didn`t know about my birthday so I just had a quiet single-celebration while she was in the shower (1 hr long).
VIenna is a huge city and today was really my first chance to see it. The city is super complicated because everything is split into districts which are posted before the street. For exampl 17 HOrmayrgasse 55 means it`S in the 17th district building 59 on Hormaygasse. When people give us addresses, they always say their district first. Confuses me when I see the address because I th ink American where the house number comes before the Street name. NOt so in Europe. My comp (Sis Carroll) has been super sick for the past couple of days so we haven`t been out too much. Lots of personal study time.
We met up with the other Sisters today and saw the Stephan`s Dome and the opera house before they had to leave. As we were walking through this giant archway I saw some little TV screens and they were advertising the Lipizzaner horses Dad asked about. I remember watching the movie about them a lot as a kid. The world ward 2 stories about them fascinated me. They aren`t in season yet till July 12th so hopefully I`ll get to see them for you. We walked around and saw a lot of really gorgeous buildings. Sis Carroll has been serving here off and on (between here and the office) for 9 mon so she really didn`t want to go in and see anything so maybe I`ll get to go in to the Palaces and such another time. Maybe I`ll just wait till December...hint hint. I`m not exactly sure what there is to see here so any tips and ideas (researched or heard of) are greatly appreciated.
We are in charge of the International ward and most of the investigators are Africans (just like in München). It`s super hard to teach in English after only speaking German for 11 months. The church has a HUGE pipe organ and I made friends with the organist and he told me where the keys are and gave me permission to play anytime. CONNECTIONS!!! At church on Sunday, I was asked to say a prayer and after I started, no words came to my mind. I stopped and thought for a minute. When I finally sat down someone leaned over and said that I`d prayed in German. Whoops! Luckily, there is a newly baptized couple from Iran who don`t speak English so I got to translate into German for them. That was nice. The bishop is from Australia and most of the members (I didn`t get to meet too many) are either Fillipino or African. We are splitting the ward with a set of Elders but our load is still super heavy. Oh wait, nevermind. We just barely got a call from the Elders saying there`s been some kind of problem and they are going to München immediately, never to return and we are now in charge of the whole area. THE WHOLE CITY OF VIENNA AND EVERYONE IN IT WHO SPEAKS ENGLISH. My high strung-easy to stress out-comp is freaking out. We`ll see how this turns out. She doesn`T think things will be fine even though I keep assuring her they will. Pday got cut in half because of the drama. I think I will go nuts pretty quick.
I`m coming up with things to write while I wait for Sis Carroll to finish up so we can switch computers and I can add pictures. THis comp doesn`T have USB port.
Get this - our apartment has a washing machine AND a dishwasher. That is super rare not only here in Austria, but especially in the mission. Yesterday, it took me 20 min to figure out how the thing work ssince I haven`t used one in SOOOOOO long. Really fun for me while my comp sleeps.
There are 7 sets of missionaries here plus one Senior Couple (named Wade....Thomas`s are in Switzerland as of a month or so). Lots of work to do. There are 5 wards in total, one of which is English-speaking. Instead of buses, we travel by streetcar (looks similar to the ones in Meet Me in St.Louis) and they ding and dong all the time. Some are old and rickety while others are low to the ground and quiet. I prefer the tall rickety. Makes me feel like I`m going back in time. It`s odd, but for a city so international and up-to-date they still use old conveniences. Really neat!
(This transfer ends July 4th)
Schöne Grüße von mir and lots of love of course
Ron and Sydna - The ward is hopping!!! The Vincents announced on Sunday that they will be switching into a German ward come September. I didn`t find anyone who knew you as far as I could decipher. Will keep trying!! What were your favorite sites?? secret tourist tips? We took over where the senior Sisters used to live (17. Hormayrgasse 59).
Mom and Dad - the sad little girl in my pictures form last week is Tabitha Blaschta. She was sooo sad that I was leaving that she wouldn`t leave my side. After sacrament meeting whenever someone is leaving, the branch stands and sings `God be with you till we meet again`. Tabitha heard the song and saw me standing up front and came running up to me tears streaming down her face. It was really sad. With the birthday money from Gma and Gpa I bought a small Ulmer Spatz (the mascot of the city...A sparow with a twig in his mouth). (I`m going to use the rest to buy a German and Austrian flag so I have one.)It`s the legend that when the people were building the Münster (giant church), they loaded the logs crosswise on the wagons. Then they`d have to stop and unload them before going through the city gates then reloading them. One day, there was a sparrow with a twig in his mouth that flew to its nest but had to go through a small hole first. He stopped and twisted the twig so it was sitcking straight forwards and went in the hole. THe people learned that there is always more than one way to do things. That has become my sort of motto as I`ve constantly had new companions and areas. It`S helped me realize what I need to do to make things work out.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Dad got his Birthday Wish
So family.........remember how we talked on Mother's Day and dad made a list of the places he wants to visit in December?!?! Well, this Birthday wish turned into a transfer call
My new address is the following:
Kirche Jesu Christi HLT
Hormayrgasse 59\9
1170 Wien
I've been transferred to Vienna!!! I will be serving in the International ward there. Tell Carolyn to warn her brother and his wife that I'm coming. It's been really hard to say goodbye especially since I'll be leaving on Wednesday, thus spending my first full day (also my Birthday) in a strange city with a strange companion and strange people. PLease keep me in your prayers.......I'm really nervous! Sister Alder (my companion in Bruck) is coming to work with Sis Dietz.
Received many cards and gifts on Sunday - Sis Dietz told all it was my birthday. Sis Blaschta gave me a dirndl and it's way cute (See Picture). TOday, she's taking us to Legoland (she has season passes).
Picture 2 is with the two Rosas - Rosa Funk and ROsa Schlünzen two of the sweetest ladies in the branch.
PIcture 3 is with Jun and Franz and Maylynn. They sapeak English at home (not the first language for both).
Gotta go, love you all so much and wish dad would be better at Birthday Wishes
Till we speak again in Austria!!!
Sister Chocolate
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Monday, May 9, 2011
Mutter Tag ist vorbei
It was our privilege to have Pres and Sis Condie stop by to visit us in Ulm on Sunday. We fed them dinner and had a nice time for an hour or so and as soon as we'd closed the door behind to call home.
One of the Elders in our District calculated how many Pdays Sis Dietz and I have left...a number which I chose to forget and will therefore NOT be sharing it. It'S amazing to think that we're more than halfway done and we still have so much more to learn.
We've done sooooooooooooooooo much walking this week. After climbing the Münster on Monday (Tallest Church tower in the World...786 steps to the top) the rest of the week we had so many potential investigators and members to visit. Since bus connections are sparse in little towns, we had to walk large chunks of land. We went home dead everynight and have decided, if anything, we'll have the best looking legs in the mission.
Zone conference on the 17th so any mail I've missed will get then. I'm working on replying to everyone'S letters ASAP, but there'S only so much time in a day. Lots of love.
Hunks of German love
P.S. Jim Brickman CD and some sheet music would be greatly appreciated
Pictures -
1..We climbed the Münster last Monday and this is a cool setting my camera has. Doesn't it look like a miniature\toy's not
2..The real view of the city
3..Schöner Raps feld (Rape seed field. They're everywhere and make awesome cooking oil)
4..The whole gang
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Monday, May 2, 2011
I don't even recognize myself
Easter package received!! Funny story with that. So, we came home Wed and found a letter from the Zollamt (Customs) saying they had a package for me and that I had to come pick it up. I freaked thinking I'd have to pay for it and such. Well, we went to pick it up Fri morning and the customs place is out in the Boonies of the BOonies in Industrial and farmland (aka STINKY). We get to the office, I show them the letter, he goes and gets my package (which I was expecting to be small) and he comes back with the slightly-larger-than-shoebox package. He tells me to open it. As I do, both he and I are amazed with the easter candy, he laughs out loud, smiles and tells me to pack it up and go. He just kept chuckling as we were leaving. We made his day that'S for sure. Thank you so much for the shirts as well. The white flowered one fits almost perfectly (just a bit too wide), but the green one is too big. Sis Rodrieguez is going to let me use her sewing machine and will help me fix them. Gee I love AMERICA!!!...and AMERICANS!!!
So this week we saw many miracles. Franziska is progressing beautifully and we'Re working on getting her to the temple ASAP. After our appt with her, she came with us to visit a less active named Jun (she's 45 from china, speaks English, found the church there, went to BYU, married a german and lives here with their 6 month old daughter Maylynn). The two of them hit it off immediately and we had a wonderful lesson with both of them. Franziska also got to practice her amazing English and Jun amazed us all with her German. By the end, Franziska offered to babysit and to drive Jun to church should her husband not want to. The two of them are practically best friends and it's wonderful for Franziska to have those connections. It's really important for newly baptized members to get those bonds and connections quickly. If that happens, they are more likely to stay strong. The temple is also an important factor in keeping their testimony growing.
On Friday, we were asked to come to Stuttgart to teach President Condie. SCARY!!!! We were to prepare a lesson on the Restoration and the BOok of Mormon in 12 min. We were nervous to say the least. We get there, and our district was paired up with another district (6 sets of missionaries) and then we were to teach President IN FRONT OF THE OTHERS. Nerve-wracking. Because we were the only Sisters, we were asked to go first. Gee....thanks manners. After we were done, we were given constructive feedback and then the next ones were up. All in all, not so bad.
Saturday, we went to a wedding reception of the Rodrieuez's daughter Lorraine and Hao (our Ward Mission Leader). We went early to help set up. BOy are receptions here cooler than in the US. There's four cultures mixed in this marriage - Chinese (Hao), Columbian and American (Lorraine), and German (both) so it was a really interesting day. Per German tradition, the guests all wear Dirndls, and instead of the US traditional open-house kind of reception where you come and go as you please...everyone comes early and stays the whole time. 4 hours is a long time, but, instead of everyone mingling around the whole time, they have wedding games and traditional dances. Really and interesting experience. Sis Dietz and I were fascinated and actually got to teach some of the guests as well. BONUS!! Beautiful day!
To explain the subject of my email - - This week I had two separate instances where I saw myself, but didn't recognize myself. I've been thinking a lot about it and I'm realizing more and more that I now recognize the changes in me that others have only been telling me about. Not all physical things, but it's really been throwing me off. I even couldn't find myself in a picture of me and Sis Dietz that a member took of us watching the wedding reception (we were the only ones just watching so we were prime photo targets). It'S weird to realiz you're changing! Wow, what a mission can do!
Mother's day phone call - - I'll call around the same time I did for Christmas. It'll be about like 8pm here so around 1 or 2 your time (not sure how many hours you're behind). Sis Dietz is calling a little earlier since her family has church later and she wants to catch them. Since this is our last mission phone call (and we're Sisters), we don'T have a time limit. That'll be weird so I'll have to come up with things to say since I don'T like to talk on the phone so much in general.
That makes me so happy that you'Re going to visit Sis Dietz's parents. THey are wonderful people. Her mom sent me some really thoughtful cards and always includes something small for me in her packages to Sis Dietz. She also sent me some money when she found out my backpack broke. That would be awesome if the four of you got to meet. PLease take a picture!!!!!
Love you all and gotta go
Toe Joe - I'm sending your bday package next week so let me know when you get it.
Keri, Ash, Emily - I received your letters and the popcorn EmJ sent. Thank you so much.
Duffields - There'S an Elder in our District who knows Luke. His name is Lars Watts - - aka the red-headed Trombone player.
Pic1 - Easter mail and packages have arrived.
Pic2 - Franziska, Jun and Maylynn, and of course me and Sis Dietz
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